Peaceland Horse Floats

Peaceland Horse Floats and Goosenecks represent excellent quality and value for money. Why buy a second hand float when a new one is so affordable?

Whether you’re looking to purchase a new horse float or the stylish custom gooseneck; We have a panel of leading banks and finance companies and can access the best outcome for you based on your individual circumstances, requirements and budget.

Mainsail Finance is your first choice and are the dedicated Peaceland Horse Float finance consultants who can help you find a loan suitable to your budget.


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Financial Calculators have been provided for illustrative purposes only and the results are based on the accuracy of information entered into the calculator. This does not constitute a quotation or an offer of credit, and any application for finance is subject to the relevant lenders credit approval process, including suitability of the asset to the extent that is relevant. The monthly repayment calculated does not include any government charges such as GST, Stamp Duty (where applicable) or other charges. It also does not take into account Income Tax legislation which affect the residual value amount on leases.

If you’ve got a finance question, we’ve got the answer

Please contact us today and we will show you a finance solution designed to meet your needs.